Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are the called according to His purpose.
I was privileged to be able to speak with Erika Fischer in early April, 2020. The events in her life clearly illustrate how stewardship has been touching all aspects of her life. She gave me permission to share parts of her story with you.
“The doctor said that 3 more days, and Harald would have died,” she told me. “Taking his leg saved his life.”
Erika’s relief at the saving of her husband’s life was evident. God’s care of Harald as he bravely battled the ravages of diabetes depended on a proper diagnosis, a careful examination of the facts surrounding the state of his health, and all the other details Harald’s health care providers needed to take into consideration.
Harald’s health care providers, created and watched over by God Himself, needed to have used their training time wisely. They needed to have developed their talents so they would be ready to treat Harald when the time came.
They needed to care for their bodies so that they stayed rested and hydrated, nourished with foods that enabled their brains to focus so they could concentrate during the challenges of surgery and aftercare.
They needed to have developed their characters so that they could encourage Harald and Erika as this couple face the changes that have come, and will continue to come.
Erika assured me that their faith in the One who created them, and loves them with a Father’s heart, is sustaining them as they adjust to the unfolding rhythms of their new lives.
Once again, God has kept His Romans 8:28 promise: “All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
God does so much for us. Sometimes, He cares for us in ways that we don’t recognize, and therefore don’t acknowledge. But His kept promises prove that we can be certain that He is in the midst of everything we are facing moment by moment. After all, God is the Good Shepherd, the most faithful Steward.
By Ann Donnelly